August 13, 2009

The family that reads together.......

knows the words to the same stories. (Put that in vinyl on your wall!) I am very glad that my children inherited my love of books, even if one of them sometimes complains about actually reading them. The other night, just before bed, Molly brought me a book to read. Since I was "working" on the computer, I asked Gavin to read it to her. They climbed into his bed and eventually Owen joined them. I love these moments when my kids can be this close to each other and no yelling or fighting goes on! It totally makes up for all the other times when I want to beat them soundly and send them to bed.


Natilie said...

I am totally with you on the beating them soundly portion of the post...

Natilie said...

I am totally with you on the beating them soundly portion of the post...