May 11, 2008

The Big 3-Oh!!!

Thirty years ago today.........
Not much has changed. I'm still darling, still have pretty blue eyes, and I'm still a dimply little miss who's tipping the scales!!


Ines said...

You are so funny! Happy Birthday! What an awesome post. Loved the picture & announcement. At first I thought I was looking at Molly.

Clark Fam said...

Kelly you crack me up. I hope you had an awesome Birthday/Mothers day.

Quiggle said...

Happy 30th. You and Reeve have the same day. Only he is 28 years younger than you. haha.
I heard Stephanie Meyer is going to be at Thanksgiving Point to sign books this week. You going?

Raquel said...

Happy Birthday! Love the post!

Jake & Robyn said...


Happy Birthday!! I'm a long time reader, first time commenter! :) I love reading your blog, your family is too cute!!

Hey I think your mom called me, looking for my phone number for Josh... its 787-2322. Tell him THANKS again for doing this for us!!

Heather J said...

You are so dang old!!!!!
You are still a babe. I still can't get over how much you looked like Owen and Molly. Hope you had a great Birthday/Mothers Day.

Annie said...

Happy Birthday and Mothers Day!! You ARE funny, I love the post!

* said...

Happy birthday old lady. Are you feeling it yet? The big 3-0 happened to me a few months back and I still cry about it nightly. But at least you still have your looks.

vimahi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Don't cry about it. I know it's unbelievable but I'm 36. What?

You win for cutest blogging!!!!! LOVE IT - -and I am reading twilight. 2 days page 257. I'm digging it!!

Annette Lyon said...

And your daughter looks just like you. I love that announcement. Why don't they do them like that anymore?

(I've turned 30 five times now. It's a great age . . .) :)