June 30, 2008

I'M ONE!!!

Happy Birthday Sweet Molly Baby!!!


Natilie said...

Happy Birthday!

Christian and Michelle Smith said...

Oh man, a party without Michelle? How did Molly manage? That ain't no party at all. She was probably asking for me all day. After all, her first word was "Michelle"

Ines said...

How cute she is! Happy Birthday Molly!

Clark Fam said...

your blog is my favorite. I always am inspired to do better after looking at yours. Molly is so cute. and I love the round up posts - you crack me up. When are we going camping?

Heather J said...

And to think, she came at your favorite time of year, The Round-up. She is such a cutie. Happy Birthday Molly!!!

Raquel said...

Happy Birthday Molly! She looks like a big girl in that picture!

Annie said...

Happy Birthday Molly!! You are such a beautiful girl, and you are growing up way too fast!

brionesjm said...

Happy Birthday CUte MOlly!!