November 17, 2008

Google My Reader

This post is dedicated entirely to my friend Heather, who I found out still checks people's blogs to see if they've updated. Well my friends, here is where Google Reader becomes the greatest thing ever available to you on the internet. When I first heard of Google Reader I thought "what the heck is that?" and "I don't need this". But what I didn't know is how much I did need Google Reader. Just like Tivo changed the way I watch TV (and now I couldn't live without it), Google Reader has changed the way I read blogs and how much time I spend reading them. If Tivo ran for President with Google Reader on the ticket, I would be the campaign manager. What? I don't know, on with the show.
Why do I need Google Reader? you may be asking yourself. Let me tell you. Do you ever: check your friends blog and she never, ever updates, spy on people from high school, spy on people you don't know, only want to read those blogs that have a new post? Then Google Reader is about to become your new BFF.
First here is the Google Reader Link, you need a google account, mine is the same as my blogger and I can't remember if I created it the same or if I already had a google account because I had a blogger account. Confused already? me too. Anyhoo, get yourself an account and set it as your homepage or as an additional homepage. Do it. Now! Okay, now forgive my high quality photo but I am not good at explaining things so I needed a visual aid.This is part of my Google Reader homepage. If one of the blogs that I "subscribe" to has posted something new there would be a number next to the name of the blog. None of you have posted anything new today. Losers. There you are Engars, Jabobsons, Life is short Natilie, nothing new from none of ya. So to subscribe to a blog you need to copy the blog address and hit the "Add Subscription" button that you see in the middle of the photo. Paste the address in there and anytime it's updated Google Reader will let you know.
One thing I just learned is how to actually go to the blog from Google Reader, so if you wanted to leave a comment or something. See in this next picture where it says Jacobson, well you just click on that and it will open the blog in a new window. Fabulous.Google Reader does not work for private blogs, so I have a folder in my favorites of all the private blogs I read, then when I am signed in I just quickly check all those. There you have it, Google Reader in a nutshell, help I'm trapped in a nutshell. If anyone has any other tips or tricks please leave a comment. If you would like to leave your testimony of Google Reader or Tivo you may also feel free to do so.


Ines said...

I'm going to do this (well, Chris is going to do this for me). I spend too much time checking in on people's blogs, and there is nothing new. So, this should save me quite some time and frustration. Thanks for the tip!

BALL said...

I think my world has just been changed for the way better! BTW, I just discovered DVR as in the last two months am I behind the times? Yes, yes I am, and happy to be getting with it...

Natilie said...

That was very educational. Does it work for Mac's?

Natilie said...

Okay, never mind, I just did it. Thank you very much for this timesaver!

Jen Graham said...

It is showing up on my computer just fine.

But, you can resize the blinkie with HTML if you know how to do that.

Quiggle said...

I am truly sorry I didn't tell you about this long ago. I thought you would know. Someone told me about it many moons ago, but since I am private it didn't work.

The Brooks Family said...

Thanks for the tip! That was becoming an annoyance!

Clark Fam said...

everytime I need a good laugh I read your blog. I will have to check out the google reader business. Anyway, about Tivo...we havent had the experience so I dont have any testimonies about it to share.